
So finally, after 2 months without live playing this year, the gig season is here! We start on Saturday 22.03. with the traditional Vic nez hudba, víc nez moda - HC / punk proti konzumu a komerci vol. 12 at Sibir in Brno and a week after that also on Saturday 29.03. at Barrak in Ostrava with legendary Wolfbrigade etc.! Check out the LIVE section.

And since we are co-organizing a gig as United Crusties in Sibir, we would like to inform you that from about February this year started "HEAT FOR SIBER" campaign to raise enough money to build heating in the Sibir premises - you can donate HERE, thank you! It goes without saying that from the money left after the above mentioned gig (hopefully there will be some left, HAHA), we will also support this fundraising event, i.e. that YOU can directly help with your participation!


Quality this year!!! From the band's point of view we can't say otherwise ... It started right at the beginning of the year with two awesome minitours with metalheads from Poland and Prague Embrional, Squash Bowels and Brutally Deceased. The next big milestone was of course our participation at this year's Obscene Extreme festival and then came the grand finale ... Celebrating 25 years of See You In Hell in the great company of Rageous Intent!

Thanks to all of you for your support, have a good year 2025 and we'll see you soon for example - LIVE!


Let's start in order ... First of all, thank you, of course the whole crew, for a great gig with everything in Zamberk at Agains The Stream fest 2024!

Anyway, what all happened in a few days of the first week of December was a ride of hell! That it would all turn out this great (and that we would all survive, of course, HAHA), we probably didn't even hope for that, and for that, to all of you who participated or helped us in any way, our BIG THANKS!

We'll try to don't forget anyone, but we guess it's something like this ... Kanar and 007 for Prague, Brozikk and his crew RB POHODA for Vodňany, Kabinet Múz and Lenka Micenka for Brno, Barvak for the tour t-shirts (see the MERCH), Bery and Luky Prskavec for the graphics.

SHEEVA YOGA, ZEMĚŽLUČ, HOW LONG? and of course to our new friends and great partners RAGEOUS INTENT who arrived back home safely, so that's all in successful finish! See you again soon sometime, somewhere ... !!!

Photos and videos from 007 by Karel V. HERE, HERE and HERE, RB POHODA by Syky HERE and HERE, Kabinet Muz photos by Paayarazzi HERE, videos by J. Topinka HERE and HERE and asterios79 HERE. Thanks a lot!

Also updated LIVE section, so check it out to see where we can meet and see you!


So ... no more secrets and here we go! To celebrate the band's 25th anniversary, we've gifted ourselves an end of the year minitour with spanish grindcore band Rageous Intent. It's goint to be a ride, we're all really looking forward to. So put it on your calendars.

Thursday 5th of December 2024 Prague - 007: See You In Hell, Rageous Intent (ES), Controlled Existence
Friday 6th of December 2024 Vodnany - RB POHODA: See You In Hell, Rageous Intent (ES), Lahar, Dezinfekce
Saturday 7th of December 2024 Brno - Kabinet Muz: See You In Hell, Rageous Intent (ES), Sheeva Yoga, Innoxia Corpora, How Long?, Kriminalitat, Zemezluc


Obscene Extreme festival is behind us, what we can say ... It was a great experience again, one of the best show we had ever played! We're pleased to been a part of it and we could met many our great old and new friends! Thank you Curby for this chance and thank you all for the support. Whenever again!

The first photo gallery HERE, the second HERE. Thanks to Syky and J. Vesely!


We would like to thank the organisers and other interested persons, as well as all of you who came (although there were not as many of you as the organiser and we as a band would have liked ...) to the April gig in Pribram and the May gig in Klatovy.

Our next stop will be one of our highlights of this year, OBSCENE EXTREME 2024 | 25th anniversary, more information i. e. line-up coming soon. Be alert!

Another review of the new LP, this time by Honza Kloucek, HERE, thanks!

Last but not least, updated LIVE section i. e. the culmination of this year in the form of celebration of 25 years of SEE YOU IN HELL and 20th year of Killed By Brno - Filip Forever gig. More detailed information will be published gradually, but you have already something to look forward to!


Thanks to all of you who were at Vic nez hudba, vic nez moda - HC/punk proti konzumu a komerci vol. 11. It was great to see how old guys like Nonconformist or Abortion still know how to destroy the stage and have fun with it. At the same time, younger blood like Slavenkust or Brunner Todesmarsch are killing it with absolute confidence! A really great party in Sibir! Report from Lepra DEATH FIST webzine HERE.

Fresh interview for FOBIA webzine HERE. Thanks to Petr Moletz!


Our weekend gigs with all these great people are over. Thank you all and see you again! Brutally Deceased Embrional Squash Bowels


So the first gigs of the Nights ov Gore and Destruction tour are successfully over and it was definitely worth it! Friday's Plzen and Saturday's Brno was excellent! Thanks to all of you who came. For those of you who didn't attend either of these gigs, we recommend you not to repeat the same mistake and visit Praha or C. Budejovice, where it will be without us, but the line-ups will still be hellish! See you in Poland!

Report from Plzen HERE, plus two more reviews of the new LP HERE and HERE.


Cheers, we say goodbye to this year, which has been quite fruitful for us. We didn't play that many gigs, but they were probably all the better. Towards the end of the year, though, we started to get into it. In October, a year after the recording, we released our new LP "Do smrti a jeste dal", in November we reminisced about the old great times in Roznov pod Radhostem, in the beginning of December we christened our LP with a gig at the traditional Killed By Brno and we ended the year with a luxurious gig in Uherske Hradiste.

In 2024 we will definitely not spare ourselves, we will start at the end of January again in the Brno club Kabinet MUZ, when we will follow up this year's awesome January metal / punk event ... Night Of The Living Dead vol. 2. Have the best year 2024 and see you at our gigs!


Cheers! Firstly, the November gig in Roznov was absolutely awesome! It was like going back some twenty years, Vratnice crowded like a subway in Tokyo, a proper boiler under the stage, great sound! Plus chatting with a lot of old friends from local bands (not only), this was a fucking great! Big thanks to Ondra and Martin Valasek. If you're ever in Roznov pod Radhostem, make sure to visit Vratnice - music club, either as part of a gig or just for a beer.

Then, thanks to all of you, who were in early December and still are supporting United Crusties events. Thanks to Kabinet MUZ for the opportunity to host this event as well. All the bands were absolutely amazing and those who weren't there can only regret it. And based on the fact that our financial situation after Killed By Brno allows us to do so, we decided to contribute 6 000 CZK to Lojzik's account. So all of you, who came to the gig and paid the entrance, can enjoy, besides the great music and everything else at this great event, the feeling that you contributed to a good cause. Thank you! If this might inspire some of you and decide to make a contribution for yourselves, thanks again!

Lojzik's transparent account: 131-1605190227/0100 / Benefit gig for Lojzik: Morghuul / Vole / Berosszulas / LilixElbe / Gorc / Sorge

And we couldn't have asked for a better end of the year than the one that took place yesterday in Uherske Hradiste at Mikulasska Grindovacka vol. 3 under the baton of METAL FEAST Agency! Perfectly handled organization, totally crowded Club Mir, a proper boiler under the stage and overall just a great atmosphere! Thank you!

Review of the new LP, the first one by Lepra DEATH FIST webzine HERE, and the second one by FOBIA webzine HERE, thanks!

This year we say goodbye to you and don't forget that next year we're gonna start pretty sharp ... Keep in touch!


The next medium is out now as well, the tape "Do smrti a jeste dal" on SVAB records, there is also a limited edition in gold colour and a handmade laser badge for your jacket!


It's finally here, our new LP "Do smrti a jeste dal" is out on Insane Society records, limited edition with white vinyl, plus merch of course. The new record is now also on our official BC, enjoy listening!


This year we haven't given much to concerting yet, we'll get back into it at the end of the year and the beginning of the new year. More in the live section!


Back to OBSCENE EXTREME FESTIVAL after 6 years! Curby fifty, Jozka fifty, See You In Hell twenty-five, it's going to be a fucking ride!


FESTA DE LA POHODA vol. XXV was of course excellent - as always! Thanks to Brozik & crew and all visitors for the great atmosphere. Anytime again! Report here.

Thanks also to Jirina & VEGALITE for the Tuesday's gig. Videos here and here!


Last weekend Saturday of this month in Vodnany at this oldies party. The line-up is very good and we are looking forward to it, as always! One of our favourite festivals. Who will we meet?!?


The gig in Zilina was a blast! Thanks Slovakia!


This year's Vic nez hudba, vic nez moda - HC/punk proti konzumu a komerci vol. 10 at Sibir was really good. Thanks!


Hell! The last weekend in January, although there were originally supposed to be two - sorry for cancelling the Friday gig in Pilsen due to family reasons, the first gig of the year alongside No God Rhetoric, Brutally Deceased and Hellfuck (PL) at Kabinet Muz, which was absolutely excellent in all aspects, except for the weaker turnout. Thanks to the bands, the club and all of you who came to this unconventional extravaganza. Here and here you can check out the videos from the mentioned concert. Enjoy!


Happy New Beer! 2022 was finally the year that things finally got done regarding concerts etc. was back to normal, so to speak. We managed to play some great events and at the end of the year, we recorded a new LP, which is already on press and and we hope to have it out as soon as possible next year. We should still this newly recorded material should be out in MC and CD versions. Keep it coming best of 2023 and remember to see you live soon!


After 4 years we occupied the Davos recording studio in Vyskov again at the beginning of October last year, where we recorded material for a new LP under the baton of Otyn. The data has already been entered into the press shop and the new recording will be traditionally released by Mr. Jiri resp. Insane Society records. You can listen to the tasting youtube channel.


CHEERS! Mr. Yoshio Inoue on his label Dan-Doh records has released a CD compilation BRNO CITY D.I.Y. HARDCORE PUNK, where he introduces twelve bands from Brno to the Japanese D.I.Y. punk scene. This compilation is dedicated to Filip Fuchs - R.I.P. You can get the CD from all participating bands.


We apologize for no updating for a long time! Quite a lot has happened since May, in the first phase has been update Gigs section. So check it!


So this year's two great gigs in home town Brno and last week in C. Budejovice are behind us. Next week we are going to conquer Cajzl esp. Eternal Noise Misery! Hell with you our friends!


If we wrote down last year, that 2020 had pretty much sucked for SYIH, I must say, that 2021 sucked twice more for us. We managed to play one gig less and the cancellation or postponing of our Killed By Brno and More than music – more than fashion gigs has become to be our „favorite“ amusement ... For 2022, we wish you all mostly good health, the least possible amount of faith in conspiracy BS and, on the contrary, the greatest possible faith, that there will be as many gigs and shows and parties as possible, where we can meet and see each other. Cheers!


Just as 2019 was an extraordinary year for SYIH, so 2020 was exceptionally shitty. For obvious reasons, it was the same for all bands. However, we managed to play four concerts, which were absolutely great and we are very happy for them. Thanks to those who made them for us.

We wish you all that the coming year is a year when everything will return to normal, and we will be able to see each other much more live.
Strong health and of course nerves in 2021!


The title of our latest LP "Life in fear" has more meanings for us, but maybe even then we had no idea how much we hit the present ... Fear is becoming the norm for society control!


Sections Music and Merch are updated. If you are interested in so please contact directly the band eventually hope live soon!


Happy New Fear 2020, SEE YOU IN HELL!

Section Gigs is updated.


Dubai and South East Asia calling. Update of section Gigs.

Tape is out now, thanks to Michal / SVAB recs.


So you can read the first review of our new record: DIY Conspiracy


Here it is! LP and blue LP limited edition out now on Insane Society records! Full record is uploaded on our BC, so turn the volume right and listen to this.


And another new song from upcoming LP uploaded. Check our BC. Life In Fear, GO!


It's here and fucking real! South East Asia tour confirmed. Gigs will follow. Big thanks to Ci Chaan. Eye on Live, understand?


Final master is done. Thanks to Otyn! Prepared LP will be released by Barvak / Insane Society records. Keep in touch! Cover by Murilo Pommer, thanks too man!

Check our BC, the first song from record is uploaded for listening. Play loud!


New record SEE YOU IN HELL is done! Up the metal/punx! Big thanks to Otyn from Davos studio Vyskov (CZ). More information soon, keep in touch!


Hey fellaz! This year will be to fast again, so check the section live. If you want be very very quick to invite us to some gig or fest! See You In Hell.


HI ALL! We have to say OEF was a fucking amazing - thanks to Curby, OEF crew and of course all groups we have seen. Hell On Earth! Maybe we will see you next year on another european festivals. Keep in touch. Some photos in archive.


Cheers! This year's "Víc než hudba, víc než móda - hardcore/punk proti konzumu a komerci" was one big party in the punk as fuck style! Thank you all and we hope to see you again next year!

Check the photos in archive as well as our upcoming tour dates!



The first three events of this year are successfully over. We thank all of you for your supprt. You can check some photos in our archive.

Next - “Víc než hudba, víc než móda - hardcore/punk proti konzumu a komerci Vol. 6” back at home in Brno, at Yacht club:


This year's last show in was great again! Thank you all! 

You can look at the photos here 

We're getting ready for more shows in 2017 - see the updated live section. 

See you in hell next year!

14.12.2016    KBB successfully behind us!

Thanks to all of you for the amazing support!!!

The Killed by Brno phenomenon is alive and going strong, as proven by the 250 of you! We appreciate the support and the atmosphere you created!

Excellent bands, excellent sound and an excellent party!!!

Thanks to the Yacht club collective for the sound and services and DIE KÜCHE team for delicious food!

On Saturday 18.3.2017, we hold another year of „More Than Music, More Than Fashion - hardcore/punk against consumerism and commercialism”! Info soon!

Check out our youtube channel or look at photos here.

1.12.2016    SEE YOU IN HELL back on stage

SEE YOU IN HELL come back in a new line-up. Our first concert will be at our own festival Killed by Brno
on 10.12.2016, devoted to the memory of  Filip.

Currently, we work hard to be ready for the live shows and also prepare new material. Information about planned shows can be found in the live section. We will also try to add up the remaining information over time.

Thank you all for your support, see you at the concerts!